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while four Tory MPs cheered him on: At any one time there are about 30 MPs behaving badly - and the shady figures who control the party don’t hesitate to blackmail them NADINE DORRIES: MP who had sex with prostitute on a billiard table.Water-jet procedure to shrink enlarged prostates will be offered to thousands of male patients as routine treatment on the NHS.Jewish woman, 30, is 'stabbed in stomach at her home in Lyon as police find Swastika painted on her door'.JEFF PRESTRIDGE: The travel policy that was NO help to brave Katya when she suffered a brain haemorrhage.PETER HITCHENS: What the disdain for a brave scientist tells us about the great Covid-19 whitewash.Surgery to fix ‘wonky’ noses helps patients to breathe - as celebrities Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz open up about having the procedure.'Doctors told me I had terminal breast cancer at 35… and I said NO to treatment': Given six months to live, Katie Barson decided she wanted to ‘do life without side effects of chemo’ and enjoy the time left with her daughter, 13.'I hid in a skip under my boyfriend's body as Hamas slaughtered everyone': Israeli model reveals how she watched her partner die and had to play dead for two hours surrounded by a pile of corpses during horrific music festival massacre.

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